Our Vision

Towards a more just world that harnesses the best of militaries and societies.


Verve Research is an independent research collective focussed on understanding the relationship between militaries and societies amidst political change in the Indo-Pacific region.

Militaries continue to play an important role, particularly in emerging democracies, in ways that do not fit neatly into the traditional models of civil-military relations.

Our role is to delve deeply into the complex relationship dynamics between militaries and their societies. We provide this information in service of public debate, government policymaking and stakeholder understanding of the region.

Verve’s core areas cover civil-military relations in Southeast Asia, particularly Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam.

We engage experienced researchers with a deep understanding of local dynamics and cutting-edge multidisciplinary research methods.

Natalie Sambhi

Founder and Executive Director, Verve Research